Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

S. Pedro Nolasco

São Pedro Nolasco
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

São Pedro Nolasco, (n. 1189 – f. 1256) foi um santo católico.

Nascido em Mas-des-Saintes-Puelles, França, e tendo crescido como um requesitado comerciante, foi tocado pelo sofrimento dos cristãos presos em cativeiros em terras mulçumanas. Aí tomou a iniciativa de comprar tais cativos. Mais tarde, Pedro Nolasco alegadamente rerebe uma iluminação divina, por Maria, Mãe de Jesus, que o convoca a expandir esse magnífico trabalho para uma missão no mundo. Nossa Senhora entrega-lhe, assim, um escapulário e, nesse mesmo dia, Pedro Nolasco saiu para pedir e benção da Igreja e do Rei.

Em 1218, fundou a Ordem de Nossa Senhora das Mercês. Actualmente, Pedro Nolasco, enquanto humilde fundador desta Ordem Religiosa, é reconhecido pela Igreja como São Pedro Nolasco, redentor dos cativos.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Uma semana muito cultural!

Quarta feira: Ballet - English National ballet presents Swan Lake (O lago dos cisnes), Royal Albert Hall, » simplesmente fantástico!Adorei

Fim de semana: Hyde Park Calling Festival featuring nomes como:
- Buena Vista Social Club... Brilhante
- Crowded House
- Jet
- Peter Gabriel...uma desilusão
- Chris Cornell
and last but not least... AEROSMITH!!!
Vejam a Mary:
A Curtir Buena Vista Social Club na primeira fila!
E Aerosmith
Muito louco!

Monday, May 28, 2007


Finalmente fiz o Eneagrama. Não,o Eneagrama não é uma seita estranha, é apenas um instrumento de auto-conhecimento- para saber mais:

Há anos que queria fazer um curso de introdução e tentar descobrir (ou confirmar) qual é o meu numero.
Tentei encontrar aqui alguém que desse cursos mas eram todos caríssimos ou na Bósnia, até que o "meu" Padre Jesuita de cá me confessou ser um expert na matéria e cedeu em fazer um dia de workshop.
Adorei! E acho que confirmei o que já muita gente (que percebe disto) me tinha dito...sou 1 chapado.
O que acham?

Type 1: The Perfeccionist
Perfectionists are realistic, conscientious, and principled. They strive to live up to their high ideals.

Special Gift: A vision of balance and completion
Self-Definition: "I'm right. I'm hardworking."
Shadow Issue: Wrath
Rejected Element: Direct expression of anger
Addiction: Perfection
Strength Needed: Forebearance, serenity
Defense Mechanism: Reaction formation
Psychological Disturbance: Compulsive personality
Talk Style: Preach and teach
Preoccupations Include:
Demanding internal standards.
Difficulty acknowledging personal desires that conflict with these standards of correctness.
Comparing self to others and concern about criticism.
Compulsive worry about wrong decisions.
Self-righteous displacement of anger towards what appear to be legitimate outside targets.
Focus on error (which can develop superb powers of criticism, including humor).
Conflict between rigidity and sensitivity.
Focus: Personal emphasis on worry. Couple emphasis on jealousy. Community emphasis on consistency and firmness.
Life Task: To achieve a sense of serenity with a body secure in its capacities. As projections are worked through and resentment has been tamed, compassion becomes possible.

How to Get Along with Me
• Take your share of the responsibility so I don't end up with all the work.
• Acknowledge my achievements.
• I'm hard on myself. Reassure me that I'm fine the way I am.
• Tell me that you value my advice.
• Be fair and considerate, as I am.
• Apologize if you have been unthoughtful. It will help me to forgive.
• Gently encourage me to lighten up and to laugh at myself when I get uptight, but hear my worries first.

What I Like About Being a One
• being self-disciplined and able to accomplish a great deal
• working hard to make the world a better place
• having high standards and ethics; not compromising myself
• being reasonable, responsible, and dedicated in everything I do
• being able to put facts together, coming to good understandings, and figuring out wise solutions
• being the best I can be and bringing out the best in other people

What's Hard About Being a One
• being disappointed with myself or others when my expectations are not met
• feeling burdened by too much responsibility
• thinking that what I do is never good enough
• not being appreciated for what I do for people
• being upset because others aren't trying as hard as I am
• obsessing about what I did or what I should do
• being tense, anxious, and taking things too seriously

Ones as Children Often
• criticize themselves in anticipation of criticism from others
• refrain from doing things that they think might not come out perfect
• focus on living up to the expectations of their parents and teachers
• are very responsible; may assume the role of parent
• hold back negative emotions ("good children aren't angry")

One in Love
Living with Ones:

Do remember details. Ones are detail conscious. They appreciate small gestures: being on time, remembering names, proper introductions.
Speak respectfully. Make sure no one looks foolish. Ask for permission.
Compliment thrift, effort, and dependability. Don't expect compliments in return.
Cultivate your character. Set improvement goals. Don't flaunt your achievements.
Admit error immediately. Admission clears the air and prevents resentment.
Bring novelty and fun to relating. Ones tend to repeat the known.
Avoid power struggles. Ones need to be right. There are at least two right ways.
Maintain your own interests. Ones work long hours on their own.
Humor is especially helpful. Worry vanishes with gentle humor.
Ones perfect relationships. "What are our responsibilitites?" "What are we learning?" "What does right relating mean?" Ethics of relating are reviewed.
Scorched-earth policy. If the relationship develops a negative aspect, Ones think about calling the whole thing off. Relationships seem either black or white.
Once committed and convinced, Ones dig in. Extremely loyal. Value a family.
Guilt. Pleasure signals anxiety: lightning may strike if we're having fun

Comentarios do Blog

Andei a brincar com o layout do blog e acho que isto me apagou os comentários todos.Estou furiosa!Alguem sabe como recuperar os comentários?

Queres ajudar?

Campanha de Fundos dos Gambozinos

Um bom resumo do estado de espírito de hoje

Here without you...

A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
And when the last one falls
When it's all said and done
It gets hard but it wont take away my love

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Three doors down

Saturday, May 26, 2007

DNA Visual

DNA Visual... Um exercício giro.
Experimentem aqui:

Esta diz que sou eu:

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Inauguração do túnel do Marques

Mais um marco na historia da cidade de Lisboa que eu nao presenciei. Ha que registar o momento. Pena que, pelos vistos, o tao esperado momento tenha sido assombrado por outro acontecimento que muito sinceramente ainda nao me diz nada...

Carmona 'foge' na inauguracao do tunel

Quase cinco anos depois do início das obras para a construção do Túnel do Marquês, a obra foi ontem inaugurada pelo presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Carmona Rodrigues, numa cerimónia que esteve longe de correr da forma como o autarca pretenderia, em parte devido às notícias sobre a constituição como arguido do seu ex-vice-presidente, Fontão de Carvalho, no caso Bragaparques (ver página 18). O autarca acabou por evitar o confronto com os jornalistas e logo após o discurso saiu de carro da cerimónia e do túnel.>

Diario de Noticias 26/04/2007